October 25, 2024

Unlocking Creative Potential at Circles Conference 2024: A Recap of Our Workshop

Schaefer had the incredible opportunity to speak at the Circles Conference, where Michele Evans and I shared our approach to “Unlocking Creative Potential. As a team, we’re passionate about helping ideas thrive, and this workshop was a chance to delve into the systems and practices that give ideas their best chance to succeed. Here’s a summary of the workshop, along with a few key takeaways for anyone looking to strengthen their creative processes.

Creative Ideas Are Valuable—But They Need Structure to Survive

One of the core messages of our workshop was that creative ideas are immensely valuable, but they need the right systems to reach their full potential. Creativity can be subjective and challenging to measure, but when paired with intentional processes, it can truly shine. In any project, the ability to unlock creativity relies heavily on how you organize your work and how you communicate your ideas. These two areas became the focus of our workshop: efficient systems and impactful storytelling.

Slow Down to Go Fast: Building Effective Systems

The first part of our session centered on the importance of having a structured approach to file management and project organization. As creatives, it’s easy to feel pressure to deliver quickly, but slowing down to build efficient systems ultimately enables faster, more consistent results. We emphasized a mantra (thank you Jason Shupe) that has guided our work: “Slow down to go fast.”

Slow down to go fast.”

Jason Shupe

At Schaefer Advertising, we use a streamlined folder and file naming system to ensure that every team member, on every team knows where to find files and save their work. This reduces confusion and allows us to be agile when new projects land on our desks. A well-organized system might seem basic, but it’s the foundation for creativity that can be shared, refined, and improved upon without getting lost in the chaos.

Sharing Ideas with Intention: Turning Thoughts into Impact

The second focus of our workshop was on how to share creative ideas effectively. A great idea can lose its impact if it isn’t presented clearly or if it doesn’t connect with the intended audience. We shared five critical questions that guide our thinking and refine our work at each phase of the process:

  1. Am I prepared?
  2. What am I delivering?
  3. Who’s doing this?
  4. How do I sell this?
  5. What’s the best outcome?

By intentionally thinking through these questions—whether you’re in a brainstorm, internal review, or client presentation—you set yourself up for success.

Each question serves as a mental checkpoint, helping to ensure you’ve covered all the bases. For example, asking “Am I prepared?” goes beyond simply having materials ready. It’s about deeply understanding the problem, the audience, and your role in delivering the solution. Similarly, “What’s the best outcome?” keeps the final objective for this phase and the final output front and center, allowing you to steer the conversation toward that goal.

This method helps us avoid getting bogged down in details too early or missing the mark on what truly matters. It’s a practice that leads to clarity, better collaboration, and ultimately, a more polished and impactful presentation. Every phase benefits from this disciplined approach—one that helps refine and focus our message until it’s sharp, concise, and ready to make an impact.

Unlocking Potential: It Requires Intention and Team Buy-In

Unlocking potential isn’t something that happens overnight or by accident—it takes intention and practice. Potential, as we define it, is “hidden or concealed qualities or abilities that may be developed and lead to future success or usefulness.” To unlock this, you need to approach each project with focus and purpose.

But it’s not just about individual effort. It takes the full team buying into this approach for true potential to be realized. When everyone is aligned and working toward the same goals, you create an environment where ideas can grow and evolve. Whether it’s through structured systems or intentional collaboration, having the whole team on board ensures that creativity is nurtured at every stage.

With consistent effort and team buy-in, unlocking potential becomes a shared practice. It’s not just about getting through the next project—it’s about improving with each step, turning creative possibilities into meaningful outcomes.

The Takeaway: Give Your Ideas a Chance

In the end, the goal of our workshop was simple: to help fellow creatives give their ideas a chance. By focusing on efficient systems and clear storytelling, you create a space where your ideas can truly thrive. We believe that with intentionality, any team can unlock hidden abilities and turn great ideas into meaningful impact. 

It was an honor to share our insights at Circles Conference 2024, and we hope these strategies inspire others to take a closer look at their own processes. Whether you’re a seasoned professional or just starting, remember that potential is within reach—it just takes the right tools and intention to unlock it.