Schaefer Advertising Co.


When COVID-19 first struck the United States, people weren’t sure what to think or how to appropriately respond. This left a void of reliable information, and The University of North Texas Health Science Center at Fort Worth – a medical research center and university – saw an opportunity to step forward as a reliable source of scientific information that people could trust. Since the Health Science Center had recently unveiled its rebranding efforts, the timing was perfect to build awareness and positively impact the community.

Avoiding Fear and Promoting Optimism

The public is saturated with dire warnings and doomsday scenarios about COVID-19. While the health and safety intent is noble, many of the messages cause stress, anxiety, and fear, and the emotional effects of these campaigns can muddy the facts and leave the community confused about the realities of COVID-19. The situation required someone to step up, take the lead and empower the people of North Texas with reliable messages and accurate information about COVID-19. Instead of creating something that leads to confusion and fear, why not urge optimism through clear information and encourage preparation?

Producing Against a Deadline and Beneath Quarantine

The seriousness of the coronavirus required truly timely messaging. With that urgency in place, our team had to be nimble and responsive and put together a comprehensive campaign that would inspire community-wide participation in safer lifestyle changes. To complicate matters further, we earned this new business opportunity while our entire team was in the first stages of working remotely and adjusting to the new normal of professional life under quarantine. These circumstances challenged us to strategize quickly, and the nature of creating accurate messages about COVID-19 implored us to execute with extreme accuracy.


  • Change attitudes about living during a pandemic from fear to resilience.
  • Educate and empower cautious optimism and offer practical and informative guidance and resources.
  • Leverage the credibility of HSC as the messenger and aggregator of content.
  • Expand HSC’s influence on North Texas by positioning them as dependable sources of reliable information about COVID, and healthcare at large.
  • Improve HSC’s brand awareness and impact in North Texas.

The Solution

COVID-19 is a serious disease that requires people’s earnest respect. Unfortunately, that has created an atmosphere of negativity, and disempowerment that makes people feel like they’re being told what they can and cannot do every single day. People are worried about their jobs, concerned for their family and friends, and lack a clear direction and information about where the situation is heading.

The pervasiveness of negativity and the ultimate feeling of powerlessness led to the creation of the COVID DAYxDAY campaign, which empowers people to be optimistic and pragmatic during these uncertain times. When we created this campaign, we wanted to change the public’s general attitude from fear to resilience. We understand that people feel down, powerless, and pessimistic about the future, so our challenge is to help our community get through this one day at a time – and that’s where DAYxDAY was born. Our ultimate goal is to meet our audience where they are emotionally, and encourage a positive attitude shift with hope, optimism, and science-based guidance that can protect the individual – and our community – from the coronavirus. We needed to do all of this while under a brief, three-month campaign period. 

A Comprehensive Educational Campaign Tailored for North Texas

We built the DAYxDAY campaign with the guidance and partnership of the Health Science Center team. DAYxDAY provides north Texans with reliable information about how to safely navigate the world during the pandemic and offers important community updates to the people of North Texas. In fact, education is at the heart of the DAYxDAY campaign, and one of the core objectives is to encourage healthy lifestyle changes to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. To centralize this information, we created – a microsite under the Health Science Center umbrella purely focused on sharing COVID-19 content.

We formed strategic partnerships with Texas news leaders like The Dallas Morning News, Fort Worth Star-Telegram, and local organizational partnerships with the City of Fort Worth, Visit Fort Worth, the Fort Worth Chamber of Commerce, United Way of Tarrant County and Camp Fire First Texas to tap into relevant supporting content and leverage our partners’ audience for improved campaign exposure. To ensure that we shared a wide breadth of valuable information, we carefully selected the type of content we shared from each partner so that we could create a comprehensive informational hub tailored to the needs of North Texans.

Our campaign content matrix uses a blend of organic content, partnership content, paid and organic social media, and earned media to make certain that our message reached the widest local audience possible. Furthermore, the microsite exists in English and Spanish to better communicate with a third of North Texas, which is Spanish speaking.

Tactical Activation:

  • Developed a fully integrated digital campaign to build awareness and drive traffic to the Health Science Center’s COVID-19 resource page.
  • Built a new microsite to consolidate and share relevant COVID-19 content.
  • Encouraged opt-ins and built an integrated CRM and text audience.
  • Developed new content and repurposed existing content through the new microsite.
  • Continued awareness-building and built opt-ins through multiple digital platforms.
  • Expanded geographic targeting to cultivate a larger audience for UNTHSC and make a larger impact on the community.

Results: In just 3 months, the DAYxDAY campaign generated:

  • Nearly 10 million media impressions served
  • Over 1 million people reached through social channels
  • Over 100,000 pageviews on the COVID DAYxDAY website
  • Over 70,000 unique website visitors
  • Email, display advertising and paid social media performance each greatly exceeded industry benchmarks

An Ongoing Battle

The coronavirus pandemic is far from over, and we’re still working to encourage people to take the necessary preventative measures to protect themselves and our community. It’s an honor to be part of a creative campaign that educates and empowers our North Texas home, and we feel fortunate to play a role in helping to keep our community safe and healthy. As a result of our shared success, we’ve expanded the initial campaign agreement into a broader, long-term initiative for the UNT Health Science Center at Fort Worth.

In real estate, a “sea of sameness” exists that engulfs the majority of brands. From real estate companies to master-planned communities to apartment complexes, there is a lot of branding overlap that makes it difficult for consumers to differentiate one brand from another. But, this industry-wide ubiquitous branding opens the opportunity for other brands to rise above the noise and connect with more consumers on a deeper level. For Hillwood Communities, that meant telling unique brand stories for multiple communities beneath one parent company.


  • Analyze each community individually, and define their brand’s differentiators
  • Perform detailed market research to discover how each brand stands apart from the real estate market as a whole
  • Develop branded material for each of Hillwood’s communities that can be used across mediums for various marketing goals
  • Tell distinct stories for each development that will better resonate with target consumers

Navigating The Sea of Sameness

There’s a widespread marketing problem – the sea of sameness – that affects a variety of industries, but it is particularly prevalent in real estate. The sea of sameness occurs when marketers and brands capitalize on similar strategies and KPIs, resulting in identical tones, marketing approaches, and even branding aesthetics. This ultimately dilutes a brand’s market impact, and waters-down the effectiveness of marketing strategy. This market saturation makes it incredibly hard for brands to create real connections with the consumers they serve and hurts their ability to build long-term relationships with consumers.

Strategizing Brand Differentiators

The sea of sameness isn’t all bad, though, and gives willing brands a clear opportunity to use distinctive branding and different marketing tactics to overcome the ubiquity afflicting their competition. For Hillwood, we treated each individual community as its own entity and branded around what makes each community a unique and identifiable neighborhood.

Union Park is an active community that features an onsite elementary school and expansive green spaces. We wanted the community’s energy to shine through, so we used bright, vibrant colors, and highlighted some of the young residents having fun at the park, which better connects to the young family demographics at Union Park. The energy pops off the page, and the brand lives up to the tagline “live a vibrant life.”

Wolf Ranch is situated in the Texas Hill Country and offers a scenic, relaxing way of life hidden along Georgetown’s San Gabriel River. The residents of Wolf Ranch seek escape and adventure, so the brand had the opportunity to really lean into that with messaging and creative. We chose “the hill country is calling” as a tagline, warm, natural colors, and stunning photography of the community and the surrounding Hill Country in the brochure to mimic the nature surrounding Wolf Ranch.

Bluewood is a community in every sense of the word, where residents come together to form real connections and friendships. The community offers an abundance of features such as a community pool, trails, and an on-site elementary, all within a very attainable price point that appeals to Millennial and first-time homebuyers. To brand Bluewood, we chose bright, bold colors that help communicate the community’s exuberant energy. We brought through some of the blue colors used throughout the development and chose the tagline, “a community without compromise” to better highlight all the offerings at an affordable price.

Each specific brand identity is built with identifiable marks that express the community’s individuality. That same individuality allows the brand marks to be fluid and flexible, and useful on a variety of mediums. From brochures to websites and outdoor signage, the brand is clearly communicated and identifiable. By making that connection, we’re able to help spread broader awareness of Hillwood Communities’ developments, and more meaningfully connect with a larger audience of potential home buyers.


  • Created a full brand platform and messaging pillars for each community
  • Full asset creation and ability to utilize assets across platforms
  • Created a unified brand message, look and feel for each brand

Some campaigns are planned well in advance, which provides ample time to uncover strategic ideas and develop tactical solutions. However, certain campaigns operate under more confined deadlines, which necessitates expedited action to get to market quickly. No matter the planning time available, our goal at Schaefer is always the same— meet our client’s goals and provide a positive impact on their business.

Station House is a luxury, multi-family development in Frisco, Texas. Their team approached Schaefer with a unique situation: they needed to drive 60 new leases in just around 90 days in order to capitalize on peak leasing season. In addition to more residents, Station House needed to generate more brand awareness with their target consumers, young professionals working in the Frisco area.

Beyond the marketing goals, there were some interesting challenges facing our team as we approached this opportunity. Construction crews surrounded most of the major entry points into Station House, which made it difficult for potential residents to enter; there was limited visibility from the tollway, hurting their curb-appeal to traffic passing by; potential residents had to drive by major competition on their way to Station House; and, the amount of construction made prospective residents unsure if Station House was even open.

Between lofty marketing goals under a tight deadline, and the factors affecting local brand visibility, our team had plenty of challenges to navigate as we began strategizing.


  • Generate 60 new leases to meet occupancy goals in a tight window – 90 days
  • Increase brand awareness among target audience


Station House needed a way to entice potential residents with their beautiful amenities and overall space, despite the temporary challenges with their location. Based on time and budget constraints, we chose to evaluate Station House’s existing marketing assets and make strategic recommendations about how to better leverage them to help the Station House rise above the competition in a crowded market.

In addition to photography assets, we identified an existing drone flyover video that would allow us to show off the complex, and its close proximity to dining and entertainment, unconstrained by the surrounding construction by leveraging an aerial view.

We leveraged the flyover video in rotation with other assets in a variety of channels, including Paid Social, Display and Paid Search to spread awareness about Station House, and all that it has to offer residents in Frisco.  We geotargeted strategic locations near Station House to capture the attention of young professionals in the area. In addition, we leveraged Facebook lead generation ads to expedite the process for connecting with a leasing agent. We also leveraged an offer message to incentivize web conversions.

As our campaign unfolded and the numbers began coming in, it was clear that our team had crafted a winning strategy for Station House.

Video Credit: Station House 


  • Netted 68 new leases
  • Improved occupancy to 96% leased space
  • Increased website sessions 2X YOY during campaign period
  • Generated over 250 form fills
  • Produced over 900 phone calls through Google search ads
  • Provided clear strategy and exceeded predicted results

Make Life Better

It was a pleasure to work with the team at Station House, and we thoroughly enjoyed putting together a comprehensive campaign that was driven by a tight window of performance. It is such a treat to shape the fabric of neighborhoods by helping people find a spot to call their home, and turning prospects into residents.

One of the most thrilling challenges is helping a client launch a new product, which is exactly what we did for the TearCare® system by Sight Sciences.


  • To introduce a new brand to a growing market
  • Capitalize on a market opportunity with disruptive technology
  • Improve the lives of patients by getting a new product that targets the underlying cause of dry eye into the hands of eye care professionals

Analyzing a New Market

Before launching any new product, it’s critical to have a deep understanding of the landscape and the potential competitors or challenges within the market. For TearCare®, we performed a thorough analysis, through both primary and secondary research, of the overall healthcare environment, the eye care submarket, the competitive set and TearCare® ’s differentiating attributes. We came away with some incredibly useful data.

There are 40 million dry-eye sufferers in the United States, and of those, 86% have some component of Meibomian Gland Dysfunction (MGD). We discovered that most of the existing dry-eye devices are cumbersome to administer to patients, take the precise control out of the doctors’ hands and are expensive for a practice to adopt.

Because of the way TearCare® was designed, and its philosophy to address the root cause of dry eye with a combination of leading-edge technology and doctor skill, we saw this is a huge position of value for TearCare® – and that’s where we began crafting our strategy.

A Different Kind of Healthcare Product

Traditionally, the treatment of dry eye disease has been done with large pieces of stationary equipment that requires the patient to keep their eyes closed and doesn’t fully allow the eye care provider (ECP) to fine-tune the procedure to their specific needs.

Even newer entrants into the market addressed the condition in impersonal or intimidating ways, potentially leaving the patient and the ECP with a sub-optimal approach. In addition, the market leader is incredibly capital intensive and presents a challenge to eye care practices to meet their business goals. These conditions created a perfect combination for a company and a new device to address dry eye differently.

Enter TearCare® – the most unconstrained way to target the underlying cause of dry eye – and make real headway – in evaporative dry eye disease.

TearCare® is the world’s first blink-assisted device that applies heat to the eyelids to remove blockage associated with Meibomian Gland Dysfunction. It’s a wearable, blink-assisted design that offers a universal fit across various patient lid anatomies and delivers consistent thermal energy to prepare meibum for clearance by an ECP. It does so in a system that doesn’t require a steep financial investment in a large piece of equipment. All of this informed the final positioning of giving healthcare providers and patients freedom.

Launching a Product to Disrupt the Market

Launching a brand-new product is incredibly exciting but introducing one that will make the entire market take notice can be exhilarating.

We helped take TearCare® to market with a fully integrated marketing and advertising strategy that focused on the freedom TearCare® gives patients and ECPs, differentiating the device from others in the space.

We utilized a blend of paid, owned and earned media channels to deliver the primary campaign messaging. We designed a new website to act as the central hub of information about TearCare® and helped educate healthcare professionals about the new device with trade show activation, sales support materials, and practice-building resources.

This entire campaign was aimed at educating ECPs, introducing them to a new way to treat MGD, and helping them get the device and training needed to begin helping patients. As the campaign began to rollout, the results were astounding.


  • Brought brand new, disruptive product to market
  • The number of new accounts opened in year 1 was 3 times that of the nearest competitor

Make Life Better

Healthcare work is always incredibly rewarding because it allows our team to help connect healthcare professionals to patients in need. For Sight Sciences’ TearCare® device, we were able to help connect healthcare professionals to a new device that targets the underlying cause of dry eye and make life better for those suffering from a chronic degenerative disease.

Let’s start by getting to know you a little better. Tell us about yourself.

I’m a Texas girl, but I’d like to become a world-traveler, and I’d like to begin in Egypt. The only things that prevent me from traveling now are my responsibilities to family and pets – I really like being home and close to them.

What’s something you love to do?

I like to rock climb, actually, if it’s vertical, I’ll climb it – trees, rocks, mountains, whatever.

What’s your favorite place?

Anywhere outdoors, really. If it has a soft patch of green grass and a blue sky, I’m happy. I still really enjoy going home to Acton, Texas. It’s one of my favorite places to be.

What is the last thing you binge-watched?

I binge-watched all of the Resident Evil franchises. I like Milla Jovovich, but I’m not sure why I did it, it’s not my normal genre. I usually gravitate toward drama, comedies, and action films.

What’s your favorite book?

My favorite book would be the one that made me fall in love with reading, The Secret Garden. I haven’t read it in like 20 years, but I still remember it well.

If there weren’t any more computers, what would be your new occupation?

I’d probably be a farmer — likely a beef cattle and hay farmer. My family has done it for six generations here in Texas, so it makes sense.

What’s your favorite children’s story?

My mom used to make up stories about two characters from Looney Tunes – Wile E. Coyote and the Roadrunner. She would sit at the edge of my bed and just make up stories off the top of her head and they were so engaging and detailed, it was awesome.

If you had an extra hour of free time every day, what would you spend it doing?

I’d spend more time with my dog Pancake and take him for an extra-long walk.

If you could do anything besides what you are doing now, what would you do professionally?

I’ve always loved history, and if I could anything other than what I do now, it would be working as an historian, specifically an Egyptologist.

What do you love about the job?

I love the people that I work with, and the environment that we work in. I love seeing warm, friendly faces every day, and the sense of camaraderie and the feeling of being a part of a team. I love the people here.

Any words of advice?

You don’t have to learn things the hard way. 

Why Schaefer?

I had an instant connection with Debbie, our Controller, when I interviewed on the phone. I love the work and the people I work with, plus, “Dog Fridays” are awesome.

A season of ballet programming is made up of a series of performances, each standing alone as a unique story being told on the stage. How, then, do you create a campaign that communicates these different stories under one cohesive message? That was the obstacle we faced when ideating creative assets for the Texas Ballet Theater’s 2019-2020 season campaign, and here’s how we solved it.

Campaign Goals

  • Tell the individual story of each performance, while also fitting the unique designs into one cohesive, identifiable campaign.
  • Conceptualize ideas that work in photography to incorporate the dancers as crucial campaign assets.
  • Illustrate the ballet’s marriage of art and athleticism.
  • Attract a wider audience and convince them to become season subscribers.

The Challenge

Branding an entire season of ballet was a huge puzzle for us because each performance has its own story to tell, full of imagery and icons that are significant within the individual narrative but may not translate into one clear campaign. Plus, it was crucial for the dancers to be featured in each advertisement, so finding a way to marry all of those elements into a unified campaign was crucial.

We needed to create a full season campaign that is cohesive, blends together as a collective vision and message, but that also has enough individuality for each performance that a creative asset could confidently stand on its own. For that to occur, there needed to be enough interest and variety on a performance level as there was on the campaign level, so that the creative assets could be used in advertising on multiple platforms and mixed media.

The Creative Solution

We developed “Alive with Wonder,” a concept featuring the tagline Let Beauty Envelop You. This central message was accomplished by creating illustrations unique to each performance and then having those designs envelop the dancer on the page. Each pattern visually represented individual performances with elements that are important to the story on the stage.

This interaction between dancer and design alluded to the immersive experience of witnessing performances on stage and hammered home the overall campaign tagline – Let Beauty Envelop You.

Once finalized, the campaign imagery was extended into a full graphic system that allowed for both consistency and customization in the promotion of each performance. To accommodate the variety of mediums in our cross-platform media strategy, the flexibility of the system was imperative.

Making Life Better

The common misconception about ballet is that the performances are only suited for fans of high art or those that understand the nuances of performative arts. General audiences sometimes mistakenly assume that a barrier exists between them and enjoying and understanding ballet performances. The reality is this: over the course of a season of ballet programming, a performance will occur that is enjoyable for all types of audiences with different levels of ballet experience. Creating a campaign that cohesively communicated the different themes and tones of each performance and enticed a wider audience to attend was a hugely rewarding endeavor.

National Addy Award Winner

An Award-Winning Campaign

The Texas Ballet Theater’s 2019-2020 season campaign took home some prestigious awards from the American Advertising Federation at the local, regional and national levels. All totaled, the 2019-2020 season campaign won 9 Gold Awards, special Special Judge’s Awards at both the local and regional competitions and a National Silver Addy. It is such an honor to be recognized and earn shared success with our clients.

Real estate developers and home builders have historically allocated a large majority of their marketing resources to traditional advertising methods. However, digital marketing strategies have unique advantages over traditional advertising methods that can greatly improve the effectiveness and ROI of real estate marketing efforts. We partnered with Hillwood Communities, one of the nation’s largest independent real estate development firms, to shift their focus from traditional advertising methods and refocus their marketing resources for a comprehensive integrated strategy that earned higher, more measurable returns.


  • Evolve traditional marketing strategy into one with more measurable results to drive increased home sales for each Hillwood Community
  • Broaden the tools of the marketing strategy to include fully integrated digital platforms
  • In the process, educate the client on the strategic advantages of full-funnel digital marketing efforts in real estate through compelling data points
  • Map key tactics and touchpoints with the consumer and realtor journey to move beyond awareness and drive action while chronicling engagement

Education and Action

Prior to shifting to a comprehensive digital marketing strategy, it was important to educate our client on the improved transparency and the bottom-line benefits of a focused digital approach. Fortunately, the team at Hillwood Communities was actively interested in learning about digital strategies and how marketing performance and measurement can be improved via a strong digital program. Through collaborative dialogue, we worked together to find strategic ways to pair their business intelligence with our digital marketing strategy and measurement plan.

Incorporating a Prospect Funnel

Hillwood’s prior marketing efforts were heavily focused on traditional awareness tactics, but lacked a lower-funnel, nurture and conversion strategy.  Traditional advertising methods do an excellent job of generating awareness, but they are just one piece of the puzzle when it comes to a full-funnel strategy. Without the inclusion of digital tactics, it’s more difficult to drive measurable action and clear results. Digital strategies can provide insightful data for ongoing optimization against both short-term and long-term marketing goals.

At the foundation of our recommended strategy was the introduction of a comprehensive prospect funnel that outlined each stage of the buyer journey with corresponding media and messaging tactics. From there, we established key performance indicators and goal metrics at each level of the digital funnel. From awareness to conversion, we set clear goals for the ongoing measurement of the health and effectiveness of our digital marketing strategy.

A Refreshed Digital Strategy

We began Hillwood’s marketing strategy evolution with prospecting tactics at the awareness level such as display media, paid social, streaming radio, and prospecting emails. From there, we moved down to the buyer research/consideration stage of the funnel, including tactics like retargeting, paid search, and real estate search engine advertising. At the lowest level of the funnel, we focused on action-oriented tactics such as geofencing and personalized content delivery.

This comprehensive approach gave us a detailed look at the buyer’s journey through the funnel while empowering us with the real-time ability to alter the strategy at each level for improved returns.

Data Partnership

The effectiveness of a marketing plan boils down to the final results. Therefore, it was critically important to develop a measurement plan that accounted for data capture through the point of each home sale. We partnered closely with Hillwood’s business intelligence team to sync marketing and sales data. As a result, we were able to establish buyer match-backs, measured as any buyer who has made a sale and can be linked back to marketing engagement through CRM data collection. Aside from total home sales, buyer match-backs became the most essential data point for measuring the effectiveness and ROI of our strategy.

2019 Full-Year Results:

  • 135 match-backs collected, and $42 million in match-back revenue measured, across 9 communities
  • Lead goals were exceeded for all communities
  • Directly informed 113 home sales, verified through detailed consumer and realtor match back data
  • Influenced more than 45 million dollars in sales prior to purchase
  • Home sales goals were met or exceeded by the majority of communities, despite fluctuations in the market
  • Use of data to develop full buyer journey maps, from first engagement to sale
  • More efficient and cost-effective prospect targeting

Through strategy, results, testing and some mitigated risk we were able to shift Hillwood’s marketing strategy into a predominantly digital-driven, measurable marketing strategy that moved them away from the historically traditional plan. This new effort optimized their marketing efforts and has resulted in increased home sales and revenue that can be directly tied to marketing.

Let’s start by getting to know you a little better. Tell us about yourself.

I’m a Libra and an ENFP. I’m married with an 8-year-old daughter named Brielle and a little baby lady due in July. My husband Stephen is a comedian and the head chef of our household; he currently specializes in creating culinary masterpieces based on my vague cravings.

What’s something you love to do?

I love hanging out at “The French Salon” with my friends and cousins…which is anywhere we post up together to discuss all things life. It’s our take on the French Salons of olden days where thought leaders discussed politics, art, humanity, literature, and social change… the place where democracy was born. Although we’re not always discussing such heavy topics— sometimes we just quote Billy Madison or talk about which Vanderpump Rules cast members we are most like.
I also love spending time with Stephen and Brielle, making them indulge my lofty craft ideas, the latest being “Valentine’s Day Fondue Craft Party,” and the next being “St. Patrick’s Day Lucky-To-Have Box and RAK (random acts of kindness) Day.”

What’s your favorite place?

At any family get together, surrounded by my loud, hilarious, and loving family, who I refer to as “my people.” The food, the company, and the conversation are what make it my favorite place to be.

What do you love about the job?

In general, I love the psychological aspects of digital marketing, figuring out what people like and staying in tune with the constantly changing landscape. I’m a learner by nature, so having a continuous need to develop new skills is something I need in a role.

If you could do anything besides what you are doing now, what would you do professionally?

I’d be a writer because I feel like I have a lot of stories to tell. I play it pretty fast and loose with grammar and punctuation, so that could be a hurdle I’d have to overcome if I were going to be a successful writer.

What is the last thing you binge-watched?

Fleabag. The main character is really crass, and she’s humanly awkward – which I relate to. She doesn’t have a manufactured sense of awkwardness or nerdiness, and her life is messy with a lot of gray areas which I think makes her character so relatable.

What’s your favorite book?

I don’t have a specific favorite, but here’s my top 5:
Frannie and Zooey, by J.D. Salinger
All Over but the Shoutin,’ by Rick Bragg
The Liars Club, by Mary Karr
Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind, by Yuval Noah Harari
The entire Harry Potter series

If you could live in any sitcom, which would it be?

The Office, because it’s one of my favorites.

Are you a listener or a talker?

I’m a listener because I love people’s stories.

If you had to eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?

This is a very difficult question, I’m a very food-driven person. The meal that I don’t get tired of is homemade fried chicken, with chipotle mashed potatoes, two yeast rolls, and peppered gravy.

What’s your favorite children’s story?

“The Giving Tree.” It was the first book I read out loud to my dad.

If you had an extra hour of free time every day, what would you spend it doing?

Writing, reading, or doing puzzles – I love jigsaw puzzles. Realistically though, I’d end up spending the hour playing with my dog Jackson, he’s a good little buddy who loves all of my silly made-up games such as “Threshold” and “Puppy Parkour.”

Why Schaefer?

I’ve been looking for the right agency fit for about five years, but I haven’t wanted to compromise what I want in company culture or core values. I follow DFW “Best Places to Work,” and Schaefer was on the list. After doing some research, Schaefer seemed to check all of my boxes and the whole portfolio of the agency’s work was so impressive. As soon as I met the team, I knew this was the exact place I wanted to be!

Let’s start by getting to know you a little better. Tell us about yourself.
I’ve been married for about five years to my husband Joshua, and we have a two-year-old daughter named Avery. We’re very much in toddler mode right now— she’s 2 going on 22, and she shares a lot of my same qualities – she’s very independent. We spend a lot of our time in Keller and Southlake, and we lead worship at Milestone Church in Keller. Joshua plays guitar in the band, and I’m a singer, mostly backup (laughs), but I also play piano and enjoy playing it with Avery. I spend a lot of time with my family and my twin sister either shopping or just hanging out – we’re connected at the hip.

What’s something you love to do?
I make a lot of stuff – I’m very crafty. Hobby Lobby and Michaels are my happy places, and I get strange angst when I can’t go to Hobby Lobby on Sundays. You name it, and I can make it. I’ve made mums, wreaths, planned events like baby showers and wedding showers. I’m the crafty person in the family, I can literally make anything.

I also really love to travel – Italy and Spain are my favorite places to be. My husband and I really love Europe.

What’s your favorite place?
I’m kind of a homebody. As much as we go out and do things, my favorite place to be is at home on the patio with my family. We love to crank up the music and garden together. You show me an outdoor plant, and I can probably name it. I worked for a landscape architecture firm in Newport, Rhode Island, which I really loved. I grew up going to my grandmother’s farm in Missouri, and we’d go crazy picking fruits and vegetables and flowers together.

If you could do anything besides what you are doing now, what would you do professionally?
Voiceovers (begins singing ‘Do You Want to Build a Snowman’), I think about being Kristen Bell every single day. I guess it’s not too late to go that route, but I don’t know how I’d get started with that. I acted a lot in high school performances, and at Texas Tech I went to the theater and saw that they were having auditions, and I just had to go in and audition to see if I could get in and have some fun – and I got the lead role! I played in Sondheim’s A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum. It is a riot of a performance. I just love acting, it was the best experience ever.

What is the last thing you binge-watched?
I watched all three seasons of The Marvelous Miss Maisel. It was so good, and I identify a lot with the lead character, “Midge.”

What’s your favorite book?
It goes way back – my favorite book was always Little Women. I’m such an old soul, I love reading classics. Growing up, we visited Boston and went to Louisa May Alcott’s house. In Concord, Massachusetts, we visited Walden pond where Emmerson and Thorough lived and worked – it was incredible.

What’s your favorite children’s story?
With Avery, there are so many children’s stories right now. We love Goodnight Moon. There’s something so special and timeless about it. The illustrations are just so magical. There are also two little kittens in it, and one looks just like our cat Penelope.

If you had to eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?
It’d be a Neapolitan style Margherita pizza – I could eat one every day.

If you had an extra hour of free time every day, what would you spend it doing?
Probably craft time at Kimberly’s Craft Corner.

If there weren’t any more computers, what would be your new occupation?
Voice overs, for sure. I’ve always been told that I have a really good voice.

Any words of advice?
Something I’ve learned over the years is, it’s not necessarily about the work that you’re doing – yes that’s important – but it’s how you get there. I don’t think anything we do can be done alone, but I really lean on the team around me to accomplish things.

As I get older, I try to begin every day with gratitude by trying to be actively thankful for the people in my life, our health, and everything else It helps keep me positive.

What do you love about the job?
I love that my focus is on analytics and insights – which is my strength – but I’m also focused on how I can help out in other areas. I just like to be able to offer my expertise whenever I can. I love the fact that everybody is so receptive to hear what each other has to say.

Why Schaefer?
Being a Fort Worth native, I wanted to get back to my roots. I grew up going to the Fort Worth Zoo, the Kimbell Art Museum, and other key areas of Fort Worth – all of those are my first memories. So, when the opportunity arose to work close from home, I jumped on it. I just wish I got here sooner, really. I really love the culture at Schaefer, it really feels like you’re at home. Everyone goes above and beyond to make you feel welcome.

Most prescription savings cards cover a narrow scope of treatments, which overcomplicates the savings process. As a result, patients are often left confused about how to redeem savings and may end up actually paying more for their prescriptions. Discounts change frequently and branded products are not always covered, leading to patients and providers losing confidence in the cards and programs themselves.

Galderma CareConnect is a patient savings program that consolidates Galderma’s prescriptions into one savings portal that’s accessible for patients and “Remarkably Simple” to use.


  • Build awareness of the savings program among qualified patients.
  • Make the program easier to access for patients.
  • Inform more potential patients about their eligibility for the program.

Strategy & Execution

Schaefer led the Galderma CareConnect launch with a few key strategic imperatives: communicate the scope of Galderma prescriptions covered under the program and quickly build awareness of the program among patients, healthcare providers, and pharmacists. We developed a comprehensive, multi-channel campaign around the tagline “Remarkably Simple.” This included traditional advertising, digital ads, video, paid digital media, display targeting, customized email marketing as well as personal and non-personal sales support.

Connecting Patients with Care

At the core of this comprehensive campaign was, a centralized location for information about the savings program. The site was strategically developed to communicate key information to each of our core audiences:

  • Patients – Information about savings, ease of use and a great opportunity to quickly download a GCC card.
  • Healthcare Professionals – Key points to share with their patients when prescribing Galderma products, information about pharmacy access and a portfolio of products on the card.
  • Pharmacists – Information about patient eligibility.

The website follows a clean design and user-friendly navigation to make the user experience just as “Remarkably Simple” as the Galderma CareConnect program itself. In addition, the website utilizes a seamless API to connect directly with the card provider, so that a unique card can be generated in just seconds when the user chooses to download.

By making this direct connection, we are able to utilize technology and data to measure card redemption rates at pharmacies across the country and measure the success of marketing campaigns in market.


  • In less than two years, Galderma Care Connect site metrics have steadily climbed month after month.
  • To date, Galderma Care Connect has reached more than one million unique patients.
  • As of June 2019, more than 3 million prescriptions have been processed through the Galderma Care Connect portal, saving patients, healthcare providers, and pharmacists valuable time and money.
  • MM&M Gold Award for Best Payer Marketing.

Make Life Better

Navigating healthcare can be a confusing process for patients and even some healthcare providers. By creating the Galderma CareConnect website, we were able to help more people download a patients’ savings card and connect them with more affordable care.