Schaefer Advertising Co.


February 29, 2016

ADDYs Rock!

On the heels of back-to-back Best of Show Awards, the Schaefer Team was honored with 29 awards, including 11 Golds and two Special Judges Awards at the local 2016 American Advertising Awards – proving that great creative and great results for clients is not mutually exclusive. The winning work demonstrates a broad range of creative depth across a wide range of clients including: Fort Worth Zoo, Mouser Electronics, City of Hurst, TTI Electronics, Botanical Research Institute of Texas, Fort Worth Creative Cooperative, TCU Athletics, Cassco Development Company. Additionally, Schaefer was recognized for several self-promotion pieces as well as work done for the 2015 American Advertising Awards.
UPDATE: Regional results are in! Schaefer won big taking home 2 Gold, 2 Silver and 2 Bronze. Now on to Nationals, our fingers are crossed for another win. (Remember our National win for Zoo Ball last year?)

Gold ADDY Award &
Regional Gold ADDY Award

Project: Zoo Ball
Client: Fort Worth Zoo
A pop-up invitation for the Fort Worth Zoo’s annual gala event, Zoo Ball, to raise money in support of the zoo’s ongoing mission of conservation.
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Gold ADDY Award &
Regional Silver ADDY Award

Project: Zoo Preschool
Client: Fort Worth Zoo
An illustrated campaign and series of animal flash cards for the preschool program at the Fort Worth Zoo.
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Gold ADDY Award &
Regional Bronze ADDY Award

Project: The Good Stuff
Client: Hurst Conference Center
A direct mail campaign and invitation to the Hurst Conference Center’s tasting event for local planners.
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Gold ADDY Award

Project: Empowering Innovation Campaign
Client: Mouser Electronics
A campaign for Mouser Electronics centered around engineering and ingenuity through a partnership with spokesman Grant Imahara.
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Gold ADDY Award

Project: Arts Goggle 2015
Client: Schaefer Advertising Co.
Created a 10ft x 40ft chalkboard and encouraged community participation for the annual Arts Goggle event on Magnolia.
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Special Judges’ Award: Design

Zoo Preschool

Gold ADDY Award

Project: Amendment 28 Campaign
Client: AAF Fort Worth
A campaign centered around the passage of Amendment 28, which outlawed advertising and promote entries to the local ADDY Awards.
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Gold ADDY Award

Project: Submission Protocol Video Campaign
Client: AAF Fort Worth
Video campaign showing proper protocol for the disposal of advertising and entry into the local ADDY Awards.
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Gold ADDY Award

Project: Amendment 28 Logo
Client: AAF Fort Worth
Logo for the Department of Justice Anti Persuasion Division, the agency responsible for the enforcement of Amendment 28.
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Gold ADDY Award &
Regional Bronze ADDY Award

Project: Winners Book
Client: AAF Fort Worth
Newspaper style book announcing the repeal of Amendment 28 and showcasing the 2015 Fort Worth ADDY winners.
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Gold ADDY Award

Project: Official Advertising Collection Receptacle
Client: AAF Fort Worth
Government packaging for the collection of illegal advertising and ADDY entries.
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Gold ADDY Award

Project: Amendment 28 Poster
Client: AAF Fort Worth
Large format poster to announce the outlawing of advertising with the passage of Amendment 28.
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Special Judges’ Award: Concept

Amendment 28 Campaign


2014 BRIT Annual Report
Botanical Research Institute of Texas
Beastro Poster Campaign
Fort Worth Zoo
Spring Outdoor Campaign
Fort Worth Zoo
Preschool Campaign
Fort Worth Zoo
Empowering Innovation: Robotics Spotlight
Mouser Electronics
Empowering Innovation: Driverless Cars Spotlight
Mouser Electronics
Schaefer Business Cards
Schaefer Advertising Co.
Schaefer Website
Schaefer Advertising Co.
Creative Gauntlet No. 4 Poster
Fort Worth Creative Cooperative
Amendment 28 Website
AAF Fort Worth


The Kelton Logo
Safari Splash Logo
Fort Worth Zoo
The Specialist Comic Book Series
TTI, Inc.
Southside T-Shirt
Schaefer Advertising Co.
Schaefer 2015 Christmas Card
Schaefer Advertising Co.

February 24, 2016

Competence and Character

Whitaker Chalk is a well-respected law firm based in Fort Worth, known for their competence and subject matter expertise. But, as with any business, growth is vital to ongoing success. Whitaker Chalk came to us looking for guidance to help them hone their message in a way that enhanced their relevance and viability to prospective clients. After extensive interviews with their partners and executive leadership – it became clear that the firms combination of competence, good judgement, tenacity and character were the cornerstones upon which their value proposition should be built. Once messaging was clear, we sought to bring it to life with a new web presence.  An extensive wireframe and information architecture were necessary to plan the site’s robust functionality. The new website features relevant case and industry news combined with comprehensive search functionality by each attorney’s expertise for a contemporary and user-friendly web experience. Since launching, site traffic and time spent per page have increased dramatically, accomplishing exactly what the firm needed – more people, knowing more about Whitaker Chalk.

February 18, 2016


Sometimes you get to work with clients that have a little extra special meaning. And for Charlie Howlett, TCU Baseball is one of those. Back in 2003, he was a fresh-faced frosh on the Horned Frog baseball team under Coach Lance Brown. Don’t be mistaken; Charlie is way tougher than he looks. As a catcher, he spent plenty of time sweltering behind the plate. Given his love of baseball and his passion for the Horned Frog baseball program the chance to work on the team video was a perfect fit.
For the past three years, Coach Schlossnagle has asked the Schaefer team to create a video that captures his coaching theme for that year. This year, the focus is on choices we make that separate people into two categories:  Common and Uncommon. Based on the principles of Selfless – Energy – Excellence, it’s the small choices made every day that begin to turn common boys into uncommon men.
Every swing, every pitch, every catch – the TCU baseball program focuses on developing the complete student athlete – giving players every advantage possible to realize their full potential. In this year’s video, we step into the minds of the 2016 Horned Frogs at that moment right before game time. They are replaying the culmination of big and small choices, mixed with coaching and individual preparation that will ultimately lead this team into the new season.
See some behind the scenes photos on our Facebook page.

February 10, 2016

A summer oasis

It only seems natural that when tasked with solving the summer heat, the Fort Worth Zoo would look to their animal’s strategy: The watering hole.
One of the coolest mysteries of the year, was the 14,000-square-foot, zero-depth splash called Safari Splash. We created member invites, an email campaign and an identity system to introduce this all-new attraction. The new addition featured climbing structures, 3 slides, 26 water play features, a dump tower and water cannons to cool off at the Zoo no matter what the temperature.

While we waited on the site production to finish, one of our kids might have spilled the beans to their pre-K class that they were spending their summer at the Zoo’s water park. Don’t they say that’s the best form of advertising?

On the heels of the Sundance Film Festival we thought we’d pay a little cinematic love to another festival we’ve had the chance to work with from our hometown of Fort Worth, The Lone Star Film Festival.
In 2011, we were asked by the board of the Lone Star Film Society to develop a new logo for both the organization and their festival. Their current logo screamed “cheesy western.” For some reason, people in Texas often make the mistake of throwing a pair of longhorns or a wagon wheel into a design to make it seem like it’s part of Texas’ heritage. We took the opportunity to create a new identity package that significantly upgraded the feel of the festival.
As with many festivals, marketing budgets are often tight, relying on barter agreements and creative developed by someone, that knows someone that has a nephew with a computer. Good creative is the best way to maximize limited marketing resources. So our agency went to work. We guided the organization through a process to position the festival in a way that made a lasting impact on the culture of Cowtown. Over the next three years, the Schaefer team created several award winning campaigns that not only dramatically elevated awareness of the festival but also drove attendance numbers to record levels.

January 15, 2016

BRIT: Curious By Nature

Throughout the Fort Worth community, the Botanical Research Institute of Texas (BRIT) is known to most as the beautiful building next to the Botanic Gardens. Beyond the visual attraction of the building, they have a rich history in our community and a tremendous reputation in their industry.
BRIT views the world and their interactions with the planet through the lens of the BRIT Nexus. This perspective prioritizes water, plants, soil, food and energy and focuses on the interactions between those five elements. This focus informs everything the organization does.
Schaefer was asked to inform members of this unique process while showing how it impacted all of their efforts. This challenge led us to create the BRIT Annual Report as two books in one. The “top” book featured the BRIT Nexus and used infographics to communicate specific topical information about each of the primary elements of the Nexus. The bottom book looked back at the year and explored a diverse range of projects and initiatives that they were involved in throughout 2014.

“The BRIT nexus informs everything we do.” Pat Harrison, BRIT Interim Executive Director

The report features a modern aesthetic, with a bright and energetic tone that distances itself from a ‘granola’ stereotype. BRIT has successfully laid down strong roots in our community and continue to look beyond to big issues facing our world today. We are grateful to work with them and help them bring their knowledge to the world.

January 13, 2016

You’ve Just Been Flashed

Flash Global is a leading provider of global service supply chain solutions that specializes in the high tech industry. Supply chain and logistics marketing can often times be dry and boring but Flash works hard to set the brand apart with non-traditional marketing.

Given that a plethora of Flash prospects and customers annually attend VM World, one of the largest global trade conferences for virtualization and cloud computing, the Flash team saw this event as an opportunity to engage with targets and customers “beyond the booth.”

Schaefer concepted an integrated social campaign and contest that would include pre, during, and post show marketing tactics. The overarching campaign concept was predicated on the theme of “Flash Flashers”, a branded street team that would surface at the VM World event.

Prior to the event, the Flash team teased the Flash Flashers campaign with a number of social posts, eblasts and sponsored Twitter ads that were directed toward a specific list of VM World guests. In addition, the team hosted a subject-specific Twitter Chat focused on timely supply chain topics particularly relevant to the high-tech audience at VM World.

Flash received very strong metrics from their eblast efforts.


    Teaser eblast

  • 2873 recipients
  • 46% open
  • 55% CTR
    Pre-event eblast

  • 2636 recipients
  • 12% open
  • 88% CTR
    At Event eblast

  • 2622 recipients
  • 85% open
  • 14% CTR


On opening day of the event the Flash Flashers, (purely fun, and rated “G”) were positioned outside of the Moscone Center where VM World was hosted. While canvassing the streets, The Flash Flashers were outfitted with bright orange trenches, showcasing the brand’s signature color. The high energy crew made the most of their tour by encouraging tweets for #VMWorldFlash, as well as handing out selfie sticks, flash collateral and fake apple watches that invited the recipient to enter to win real Apple and Android prizes.

Throughout the event the Flash team promoted socially on both LinkedIn and Twitter, using organic posts, blog posts, and twitter cards to further encourage engagement.

Twitter 83 Entries


  • 520 engagements
  • 14 Replies
  • 86 Favorites
  • 52 User Clicks
  • 122 URL clicks
  • 11 Hashtag Clicks
  • 103 Detail Expands
  • 32 Embedded Media Views
    Overall impressions

  • 81,447 Impressions
  • 19,024 promoted
  • 62,453 organic.

  • 915 Impressions
  • 5 clicks
  • .55% engagement


To further promote the Flash Flashers, and the Apple and Android prizes, a campaign landing page was crafted. A key feature of the landing page was a Twitter social feed, in gallery format, allowing viewers to see all posts in real time. Additionally, participants who were not current Twitter users, could utilize this page as an alternative way to enter the contest by filling out the on-page form and subsequently were added to the Flash database.


  • 85 entries via the web form
  • Increased site visits attributable to the event
    • 269 visits during that week from social media
      • 145 came from LinkedIn
      • 108 from Twitter
      • 11 from Facebook


As a result, Flash Global carved out a noteworthy presence outside the show, building an experiential relationship with prospects and setting a tone for a brand that is on the cusp of significant growth.

January 7, 2016

The Art of an Invitation

If you’ve ever planned a big party – you know what a pain it can be. Countless meetings with your committee to pick a theme, arguments over tablecloth colors and whether to serve the mango glazed salmon or the free range chicken stuffed with cranberries and walnuts. Every detail fretted over. And then you send out a 5 x 7 postcard invitation in an effort to attract people to your $15,000 per table event. Doesn’t make much sense does it?
The invitation is the calling card that can have a material impact on whether your event is a not only a financial success, but just as important, deemed a success by your guests.
No matter the budget, you can create an invitation with mailbox impact that leaves a lasting first impression. Download our free guidebook, The Art of an Invitationand follow our top five ways to create a successful invitation that breaks tradition and becomes something memorable.

Download Now

December 18, 2015

Lickety. Lickety. Zoo. Zoo.

The Riff Ram cheer has been a part of Horned Frog history for over 100 years, but it had become little more than an occasional homage to the school’s legacy. In 2014, TCU asked Schaefer to devise a way to reintroduce the Riff Ram cheer as part of the game day experience – and the Riff Ram video was born! The 2015 video shows fans and players alike, uniting for the game all saying the words of this chant. They play the video at every TCU football home game and each one ends with a different TCU celebrity saying, ”Give ‘em hell, TCU!” Since bringing it into the game experience last year, the chant has taken on new life and continues to gain momentum.

This year, we showed how the spirit of the chant has taken the Fort Worth community by storm. It is a unifying thread among Frog Fans, and it has deepened the pride we all have in Fort Worth’s university. TCU is further establishing itself as Fort Worth’s team. Alumni or not, Horned Frogs bring an added sense of pride for our city. Riff Ram is unique to TCU, and it is taking root beyond the stadium.

Schaefer worked with TCU athletics to bring a unique finish to each time the video played in-stadium. The final line, “Give ’em Hell, TCU!” was delivered by famous TCU alumni like Bob Schieffer, Jake Arrieta and Matt Carpenter, Dallas Mavericks head coach Rick Carlisle, ISU fan turned TCU fan Abby Faber and Country Music Star Brad Paisley.

In addition to the in stadium video, Schaefer created a range of Riff Ram branded extensions to further deliver what the fans were wanting. We designed t-shirts, coffee mugs, pennants, digital downloads, wall murals, an 80’s workout video and even commissioned a painted SuperFrog portrait. It has been a great project to be a part of and it fires up even the non-TCU alumni in our office. Go Frogs!
Produced in partnership with N8 Visuals.
RelatedImage__0001_MAKING OF

Is singing loud for all to hear!”
Or in our case, calligraphy quotes from classic holiday films—you definitely don’t want us to sing. And while our collective voice may not be pleasant, we did join together as an agency for a special edition calligraphy class from the the lovely and industrious Lauren Essl of Blue Eye Brown Eye. We were provided custom name cards, ink wells and calligraphic pens from the seasoned letter-smith, and taught through practicing the calligraphic alphabet. After hours of baselines, stroke-variances and ink splattering, we attempted penning a few of our favorite Christmas movie quotes. While some of our attempts may be more stink than ink, we finished the whole ordeal a whole lot jollier.

Special thanks to Cockrell Enovation for executing this project to specification:

CHRISTMAS CARDS: 5×7, printed 1/1, PMS 877 / PMS 877, 100# cover Curious Red Matter, qty. 500 of three different cards
VERTICAL BELLY BAND: 17×4.125, Desert Storm 70# text, black and white ink/white, two scores, qty. 500
ENVELOPE: A7 Finch, printed 1/1, PMS 877 / PMS 877, qty. 500