Schaefer Advertising Co.


Covid-19 has changed everything and college football has not been immune to the impact of the pandemic. We partnered with TCU Athletics to expand on the tradition of the Riff Ram Video and create a hype video during the first-ever, socially-distant TCU football season. During normal circumstances, this hype video would run in the stadium to invigorate the audience, but under quarantine protocols, fans cannot attend the games and cheer their Frogs to victory. So, how can you inspire fans at home to leave their seats and chant along to “Riff, Ram, Bah, Zoo?” By connecting them.

The video begins by nodding to the new reality of the fan experience. Football is part of the fabric of American life, Zoom is too now. Showing fans in the Zoom space and having them breaking the grid is a fun way to show that no matter where you Riff Ram, you’re cheering with s fans across ages, places and even a pandemic. Despite the virtual barriers (and real ones presented by pandemic quarantine protocols), we’re always connected as a part of the TCU fandom family.  

The video illustrates to fans that we aren’t really that far from each other. From the athletes and students, to the family watching at home, we’re all living under a new normal. And while we can’t gather in person, we can find solidarity and spirit in the fact that we’re all in this together. 

Director’s Note:

Creating this video during the Covid-19 pandemic was a challenge that required our team to solve problems that we’d never confronted before. The big question was, “how can we keep everyone safe while producing an effective video that serves campaign goals?”

The entire spot was shot on a green screen with all but two shots featuring one person at a time. Every background was added in post and every action and camera move had to be planned out prior to filming. Each crew member wore masks while we were working, and the only unmasked people in the studio were the on-screen talent. We booked each of the actors with their own timeslot to minimize their exposure to others. However, this made each studio session incredibly valuable as we could not invite the actors back for re-shoots later.

The game plan for this shoot was nearly as planned, practiced and choreographed as Gary Patterson’s defense (almost). 

The shoot was difficult, but the team at Red Productions made collaborating on such a meticulous production much easier,  more enjoyable and pretty impactful!

Go Frogs!


Concept by: Schaefer Advertising Co. 
Produced by: Schaefer Advertising Co. and Red Productions.

Let’s start by getting to know you a little better. Tell us about yourself.

I was born in Durham, NC, and moved to DFW when I was four years old, and I’ve been here ever since. I went to college at UNT and got my degree in advertising. I’m an Eagle Scout and have been big into the Boy Scouts for my entire life – I love being outdoors. The Boy Scouts are a bit of a tradition in our family; I have three uncles that are Eagle Scouts. I appreciate a good book, but with a young kid, I don’t have time for much reading right now.

What’s something you love to do?

I love being around a campfire. We just bought a house, and we have a fire pit in the backyard, and it’s my favorite thing to do at home.

What’s your favorite place?

All of Minnesota, I have a lot of family there. My parents were raised there, and I love it up there. The Summer months are great. I love camping and fishing up there. I’ll visit during the Winter on occasion, but I can only take – 20 degrees for about a week.

What do you love about the job?

I think what I love most is taking an idea and physically creating it for the web to be viewed anywhere. I like taking multiple unique perspectives and turning them into something tangible that people can see. 

If you could do anything besides what you are doing now, what would you do professionally?

I would be a brewer. My dad, brother and I have looked into it – there’s a lot of risk, but if I had to choose something else, that would be it. 

What is the last thing you binge-watched?

Right now, I’m on “The Boys,” I’m not done with it yet, though. I’m really liking the angle of “evil Superman.”

What’s your favorite book?

“Tipping Point” by Malcolm Gladwell. He uses his perspective and personal stories to captivate the audience. After 10 pages, I was hooked.

If you could live in any sitcom, which would it be?

Probably “How I Met Your Mother.” I think Marshall and I would get along really well; we’d definitely relate to each other. 

Are you a listener or a talker?

I would say that I’m more of a listener, and definitely more introverted. I was far more introverted in high school, and I’ve had to break out of that as I’ve gotten older.

If you had to eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Mac n’ Cheese. Mac n’ Cheese is super pliable; you can customize it to be as rich as you’d like, and basically make it for all occasions.

What’s the scariest thing you’ve done for fun?

Probably when I went to Sea Base with the Boy Scouts. We were swimming right next to our sailboat, and we were right next to a lot of barracuda, which was unintentional, but still fun. 

Any words of advice?

Try not to make the same mistake twice. 

Why Schaefer?

I chose Schaefer because I felt like it had a great culture, good people and an environment where I could really grow and build something really exciting.

October 1, 2020

Make Life Better DAY

Today is a celebration of all the days that lead us here. A reminder that each day is a gift and that every pursuit, big or small, is worthy of the good you put into it. In that spirit, we ask you to think of today as an opportunity to Make Life Better.

For the past 25 years, those words have been the lens through which we at Schaefer see everything. It’s present in our culture, on our walls, and how we approach each day. So, at this moment, on this day, lean into the idea that the good you do now can make the world a better place. We certainly will be!

It may only be official in 2020, but this is the kind of day we love to repeat. So make the most of your Make Life Better Day, and meet us back here, next year. Better yet, make life better every day.

Cancer. The word is enough to halt most in their tracks.

It is a disease that affects us all and we will each witness someone live with during our lifetime. This biological villain seems to be impossible to vanquish completely. But sometimes our heroes need us to help support their mission, to rise up as a community and prove that our collective efforts can result in a greater impact than any individual endeavor. This is exactly the purpose of the Moncrief Cancer Institute Report to the Community: to connect individuals with the community they help and empower more people to join the fight against cancer.

Every four years, the Moncrief Cancer Institute produces a Report to the Community that educates the public about their latest advancements in cancer treatment. The goal of the report is twofold: to generate awareness about preventive care and access to cancer treatment, and encourage donations, so that they can better serve their patients and community – because when we all fight, we fight for all. 

People are at the heart of the Moncrief Cancer Institute and it was important for us to highlight the real people that are at the forefront of our society’s battle against cancer. Each person in the report features a community partner, volunteer, UT Southwestern / Moncrief physician, caregiver, and past or current patients. The report brings to light the personal stories of cancer patients and survivors and illustrates how Moncrief has helped individuals living with cancer and established itself as a premier resource in the global fight against cancer. 

The Moncrief Cancer Institute Report to the Community is a vitally important article that inspires hope in the face of a constant uphill battle. It encourages communal support and raises money for survivor services and early screening for those that would not otherwise have access to care. In short, it inspires everyone in the community to take a stand against cancer. Because if we face it together, we can end it together.

September 18, 2020

The Hill Country is Calling

Wolf Ranch – a Hillwood Community – needed a way to tell its story of camaraderie, tradition, and heritage to a new wave of homebuyers seeking the right blend of the good life and the great outdoors. More than that, they needed to market the expansion of the community that now extended its footprint to the shores of the San Gabriel River. Residents have always had amazing river views, but now they had access to the waterfront right in their backyard. 

Our job was to depict and sell an honest to goodness Texas lifestyle and do so beneath a new brand message that fits comfortably within the existing brand architecture. Connecting with new home buyers on an emotional level can be a tall task, but it can be done with evocative, succinct messaging.

The previous tagline, “The Hill Country is Calling,” reflected the geography of Wolf Ranch, nodding to the intrinsic beauty of the land and its natural enchantment. However, it didn’t represent the camaraderie and community as well as it could.

To evolve that message, we created “A Community Cut From the Land.” The refreshed tagline speaks to nature’s ability to bring people together, a natural metaphor for the thoughtful design Hillwood brings to every community they create. 

Recently, our friends at Hillwood Communities took home some serious hardware from the MCSAM Awards, which are given annually to builders, developers and associates who have made a significant and creative contribution in residential marketing through specific achievements in a given year.

Hillwood Communities won Best Overall Advertising Program for Union Park, Developer of the Year, and Lifestyle Director of the Year, among others. We couldn’t be more proud of the work that we do for Hillwood Communities and applaud their accomplishments – congratulations!

Hillwood is an incredible client to collaborate with and we’re proud of the work we’ve done for them. From creating integrated digital strategies to high-level branding and building a website focused on conversion, we’re incredibly grateful to have a client that provides us with ample opportunities to make a market impact.


DALLASSept. 1, 2020 VIA PRNewswire — Hillwood Communities, the award-winning master-planned community developer based in Dallas, won ten McSAM Awards Thursday during a virtual ceremony hosted by the Dallas Builders Association. The prestigious recognition included Developer of the Year as well Lifestyle Director of the Year and Best Overall Advertising Program for the developer’s Union Park community in Little Elm, Texas.

In addition to this year’s 10 awards, Hillwood Communities has received numerous McSAM Awards throughout its 32-year history across their entire portfolio in a number of categories as well as multiple awards for Developer of the Year. The McSAM Awards are given annually to builders, developers and associates who have made a significant and creative contribution in residential marketing through specific achievements in a given year.

“Being recognized with these McSAM Awards is a tremendous honor,” said Fred Balda, president of Hillwood Communities. “A substantial collective effort is what makes us successful. We are constantly evolving, using our expertise to plan and develop our communities based on the details and amenities our residents want and need. I’m so proud of our Hillwood Communities team.”

Lifestyle director Dee Davidson received the Lifestyle Director of the Year for her outstanding efforts creating an exceptional experience for Union Park community. As the Live Smart community’s onsite lifestyle director, Dee facilitates more than 300 events each year for residents, fostering relationships among residents, schools and local businesses and bringing a true sense of community to Union Park.

“I’m honored to have been recognized with a McSAM Award,” said Dee Davidson, Union Park’s lifestyle manager. Creating a quality lifestyle is at the heart of everything we do at Union Park. Providing opportunities for regular, safe, quality interaction that builds relationships is essential to making this happen.”

Hillwood Communities continue to raise the bar in terms of quality, innovation, and the unmistakable sense of community. The company purposefully designs each residential develop around the needs of the home buyers, planning walkways, gathering spaces and structural amenities to accommodate them. 

“We have always planned our communities with the resident in mind, looking ahead to anticipate their needs and wants, and designing them around that,” said Elaine Ford, senior vice president of Hillwood Communities. “I think that, along with our drive to create a sense of community, is the key to our success.”

In addition to the Best Overall Advertising Program Award, Union Park received awards for Best Graphic Continuity, Best Brochure, Best Print Ad, Best Radio Ad, Best Signage and Best Website. Hillwood Communities’ Pecan Square in Northlake, Texas, Pecan Square was awarded Best Digital Media Campaign.

For more on Hillwood Communities, visit

About Hillwood

Hillwood, a Perot company, is a premier commercial and residential real estate developer, investor and advisor of properties throughout North America and Europe. With a diverse portfolio of properties and home to many of the world’s leading companies, Hillwood is committed to bringing long-term value to our customers, partners and the communities we serve. 

Through its Communities division, Hillwood has delivered more than 30,000 single-family lots in 90 master-planned communities across 13 states and Costa Rica. These communities continue to raise the bar in terms of quality, innovation, and the unmistakable sense of community that sets each property apart. Before laying the physical groundwork for any new residential development, Hillwood Communities takes the time to focus on the ideals that draw people together — and the everyday interactions that strengthen those bonds. By purposefully designing its walkways, gathering spaces, and structural amenities to spark spontaneous encounters and foster shared interests, Hillwood Communities creates community in every sense. For more information, please visit

Acne is the most prevalent skin disease in the United States, yet most of us don’t see the struggle that happens beneath the surface. For Acne Awareness month, our client – a major global pharmaceutical manufacturer –  wanted to educate the public and healthcare providers about the unseen emotional realities of acne.

We created an unbranded educational campaign with the goal of combining the data and the human element to show people with acne that they are not alone and empower them through a sense of community. Beyond educating the general public, it was important to connect healthcare providers to the patient experience. By showing them the daily struggles of people with acne, healthcare providers can begin treating acne beyond the surface and focus on healing the individual in full.

The result is a powerful campaign that brings a silent battle to the surface and shows people struggling with acne that they are not isolated with their feelings.

Let’s start by getting to know you a little better. Tell us about yourself.

Hi! I am a mother, wife, sister, daughter, and friend to many. I like to think that I’m an open book and game to always be there for others and listen. I’m totally into the Enneagram – I’m a NINE! Because I am a nine, it was always hard for me to express my opinions, but I find that the older I get, the more I’m expressing those opinions. But don’t make me choose where to go for lunch – I won’t decide for anyone.

As I said, I’m a mom. I have three awesome, smart, funny and beautiful daughters. All three with completely different personalities and looks and are always going to live in different stages of their lives from each other (they are quite spread apart in ages). I’m also a dog-mom. I have two chocolate labs – Miss Mocha and Mister Boudreaux. I went to TCU (Riff Ram!) and post-graduation I went straight into the world of advertising in Dallas.

I had a four-year stint in the non-profit development world but have been in advertising ever since. Production is the coolest part. Come find me and I’ll tell you why. Fun fact – I can’t cook. Maybe I could, but my husband is the BEST at cooking, and he does it all. He is also the WORST at using every dish, so I am now the BEST at washing dishes.

What’s something you love to do?

For fun – I LOVE going to see live music in small venues, attending shows (ballets, musicals, etc.), being with friends and going to sleep watching Great British Bake-Off reruns.

What’s your favorite place?

Creede, CO. I have gone there just about every summer of my life. It’s the best.

What do you love about the job?

I love being creative without being the creative. I get to work with awesome creative people and help bring their ideas to life for the benefit of our clients. Each day is different and my workday can change in extraordinary ways with a single email, text or phone call. I really enjoy the rush of someone bringing me a crazy idea, crazy timeline or crazy budget and trying to figure out how to get it produced.

What is the last thing you binge-watched?

Schitt’s Creek. It took me a couple of years to get into and join that bandwagon, but I’m all in for the Rose family now. 

What’s your favorite book?

I can never choose just one, but here are some good ones I’ve read recently:

The Light of the World
Just Mercy

Are you a listener or a talker?

Total listener.

If you had to eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?

So hard. Why the limit? I’d like to say, in general, it would be Italian food.  But if I had to pick one “dish,” I’ll say TACOS! I can’t limit myself to one type of taco, though. That’s impossible.

Why Schaefer?

I love Schaefer so much that I had to come back – this is my second stint here. Schaefer is a mighty agency doing big things. Our strategy and killer design work sing for our clients. It is filled with awesome and different people who are passionate about what they do and are here to support one another. I also appreciate how Schaefer has woven itself into the core of the city of Fort Worth through our clients, community support, etc.

Any words of advice?

Life’s too short to be mean. Think of others, but know you can take care of yourself as well.

We’d like to formally congratulate Matt Gibson, Product Director for Dry Eye Products at Sight Sciences for being named a Brand Champion Award Winner by PM 360 for his work in Ophthalmology and Optometry. In addition to his award, Matt was also nominated for Marketer of the Year among some very prestigious peers.

In addition to Matt’s success, Sight Sciences was also nominated for Company of the Year: Medical Devices / Diagnostics. 

The entire team at Schaefer is so proud to work together with Matt and Sight Sciences on multiple projects and truly believes that their success is a win for patients everywhere.

In addition to Sight Sciences’ nominations, the myForte app – a Schaefer and Galderma product – was nominated in the Best App / Digital Solution or Suite. We couldn’t be more proud of the teamwork and collaboration that went into creating the myForte App.

The winners will be announced and honored during a virtual celebration on Thursday, October 1, 2020 at 6 pm EST. Tickets for the virtual Trailblazer Awards Event can be purchased by visiting Profiles of the winners will be included in PM360’s October issue.


Ophthalmology/Optometry: Matt Gibson, Product Director, Dry Eye, Sight Sciences


Matt Gibson, Product Director, Dry Eye, Sight Sciences
Dan Donovan, Vice President, Creative + Digital, PRECISIONscientia
Claire Loran, Senior Manager, MCM/SFMC, Otsuka America Pharmaceutical, Inc.
Rob Stephen, VP, Marketing, Verywell
Karen Sullivan, Associate Director, U.S. Hematology Marketing, Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited


Sight Sciences
Premier Dental Products


The myForte App (Galderma, Schaefer Advertising Co.)
Ella the Jellyfish (Eisai, Patients & Purpose)
eWizard platform for omnichannel content authoring and management (Viseven)

From the press release:

Since 2009, the PM360 Trailblazer awards have recognized outstanding achievement and innovation in healthcare marketing. Each year, nominations are judged by the PM360 Editorial Advisory Board, a distinguished cross-section of industry experts. Winning initiatives were selected for their ability to stand out in the complex, ever-changing healthcare environment, and were judged on their ability to overcome challenges; the skill, innovation, and quality of planning and execution; and the effectiveness of the work.

A total of 82 finalists were chosen in the 18 Initiative categories which include: App/Digital Solution or Suite, Consumer Website/Online Initiative, Data/Analytics Initiative, Direct-to-Consumer Campaign, Direct-to-Patient Campaign, HCP Education, Interactive Marketing Program, Patient/Consumer Education, Persistence/Adherence Program, Point of Care, Product/Service Launch, Professional Campaign, Professional Website/Online Initiative, Sales Aid, Self-promotion, Social Media Campaign, Unbranded Campaign, and Video/TV campaign.

“The very best marketing initiatives are defined by their ability to stand out, and these 82 finalists made an impression on our judges for their ability to do just that,” says Anna Stashower, CEO and Publisher of PM360. “While some stood out thanks to their eye-catching creative, others left judges in awe due to a unique ability to educate patients or doctors, an empathic approach that took judges into the bodies and souls of patients, an innovative use of technology to connect with patients in new ways or make it easier for them to get life-saving treatments, or just a fascinating new strategy that can change how the rest of the industry operates.”  

Finalists are acknowledged and winners will be announced during a special virtual celebration on Thursday, October 1, 2020 at 6 pm EST. Tickets for the virtual Trailblazer Awards Event can be purchased by visiting For more information about the awards or tickets, contact Kayla Walsh at 646-300-8117 or

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About PM360

PM360 is the premier, must-read magazine for marketing decision makers in the pharmaceutical, biotech, diagnostics, and medical device industries. Published monthly, PM360 is the only journal that focuses on delivering the full spectrum of practical information necessary for product managers and pharmaceutical marketing professionals to succeed in the complex and highly regulated healthcare environment.

The journal’s targeted and insightful editorial focuses on issues that directly impact critical decision making, including: Planning and implementation of cutting edge strategies, trends, the latest technological advances, branding/marketing, advertising/promotion, patient/professional education, sales, market research, PR, and leadership. Additionally, the “360” in the title signifies the span of this critical, how-to info with personal and career insights for an enjoyable and thought-provoking read.

By providing the full circle of enriching content, PM360 is truly an indispensable tool for busy and productive marketing professionals to stay at the top of their game.

Let’s start by getting to know you a little better. Tell us about yourself.

I’m a native Austinite and I enjoy working with my dog and doing therapy with him. I’ve been in advertising for just over 20 years, and I’ve been specializing in healthcare for the last 14 years.

What’s something you love to do?

I love to paint – I really do, although I don’t do it that often. Usually, I paint dogs – either Griswold (my dog) or somebody else’s dog, because it will bring them joy – it makes me happy to bring people joy. I really enjoy training with my dog, whether it’s agility training for Griswold, or dock diving – I’m very competitive.

What’s your favorite place?

I think it’s the Hill Country, like around Fredericksburg. It’s a fun little place to go and visit the little shops, Enchanted Rock, and there’s a ton of wineries to visit, and I’m not even really a wine drinker. I like going to try different things.

What do you love about the job?

I like that spark of “oh yeah!” One of my favorite memories is that I made a grown man cry during a presentation one time. I remember coming away from that presentation feeling like I had accomplished something meaningful. I really like the emotion that you can evoke when talking about your ideas, coming up with the one big idea that affects people.

If you could do anything besides what you are doing now, what would you do professionally?

Probably something with dogs. My friends and I seriously considered buying a doggy daycare that was closing due to Covid-19. We’ve also really considered opening a dog bar for adults and their dogs.

What is the last thing you binge-watched?

“The Twilight Zone” with Jordan Peele. Although we just got Disney+, so we just watched nearly all of the Marvel films recently, except for the Spiderman films.

Are you a listener or a talker?

I think it depends on the situation – I feel like I’m a big talker. I got in trouble at school a lot from talking. But, as I’ve gotten older, I’ve learned that listening is far more important. When I’m in a client meeting, I can learn so much more from a client by listening to them and hearing about their needs. But, I started out as a big-time talker.

If you had to eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Tacos, because you can taco anything – you can have breakfast tacos, crunchy tacos, corn, flour tacos, fish, vegetables – I wouldn’t say one specific thing, but I’d eat tacos in general.

If there weren’t any more computers, what would be your new occupation?

Dog bar, here I come.

What’s your favorite children’s story?

Any of the Berenstain Bears stories.

Any words of advice?

“You can’t sell sausage sitting down.” 

If you had an extra hour of free time every day, what would you spend it doing?

Walking the dog, which is probably one of the things I feel like I don’t do enough. If I had an extra hour, I’d probably walk Griswold in the evening, too.

Why Schaefer?

I wanted to use all of my healthcare knowledge, stay in Texas and I believe in the clients I’ll be working with. I’ve worked with the people at Sight Sciences and Galderma, and both are great companies full of good people that know how to do things the right way.