Schaefer Advertising Co.


Jessica Bray, Assistant to the President, knows all of the ins and outs of the office. So, we figured it was only right to get to know Jessica a little better. After six years as a teacher, Jessica found her way to Schaefer as a temp. She knew right away it would be difficult to leave and we knew pretty quickly that we didn’t want to let her go. This lover of all things travel, food, and Game of Thrones, brings an energetic attitude to the office each day that makes anyone who passes through our front door smile from ear to ear.

 Let’s start by getting to know you a little better. Tell us about yourself.
I was born in Mexico but have lived in Fort Worth my whole life. I consider myself a true funky-towner. My husband, Tyler, and I have been married for 12 years, and we now have a little girl named Evelynn. Before Schaefer, I dedicated six years towards teaching and spent the past year with my daughter. That’s where I’m at now.

What’s something you love to do?
I love to travel. Whether it be flying across continent (yet to experience), island hopping by boat, road tripping across the country, or even walking around through our city’s neighborhoods, there is so much beauty in our world and I’m just eager to go see it for myself. I feel blessed for the opportunities I’ve had to see some of those places, yet feel like there are so, so many more to discover! If I’m not working, or spending the day with my family, I’m planning my next trip getaway.

What’s your favorite place?
New York. It’s my favorite place, and it never gets boring. My husband and I got engaged in Central Park. He promised back then that we would visit New York every year. He’s kept that promise 12 years and counting.

Assistant to the President isn’t the first position you’ve held at Schaefer. Tell us a little bit more about that.
I started at Schaefer as a temp helping out with their year-end closing in Accounting. I went into it thinking ‘this is only temporary, nothing long-term’ but after my first day and being blown away by the building, the people, and the atmosphere, I quickly realized it would be difficult to leave. When my time was coming to a close, I was surprised by an opportunity to do something completely different within the agency. I thought for sure if I stayed, I would be helping in Accounting. Never did I think I would be the assistant to Ken. I’ve never had a job like it, but I absolutely love it! Ken is truly amazing to work for and with.

What do you love about the job?
I’ve found that my current position is very similar to my time as a teacher. I love that the diverse roles I had as an elementary school teacher can still be applied to my new position as Assistant to the President. To be successful in both roles, you have to be good at organizing, planning, and wearing different hats to keep things flowing. It’s been rewarding to tap into those skills once again. Also, I’m learning a lot about myself as an individual and what I’m able to bring into the Schaefer Culture. It’s refreshing to be at a place that values growth in all aspects of the company and transcends into our community. What I’m learning here at Schaefer can truly be applied to all aspects of life.

If you could do anything besides what you are doing now, what would you do?
I would become a Montessori teacher. I discovered this child-centered education approach while rearing my infant daughter at home. If I ever decided to go back to teaching, this is the method I would choose to educate through. I would love to spend my days around toddlers!

What is your favorite way to spend the weekend.
Right now, family time is most important. One of our favorite family outings is discovering all the city parks Fort Worth has to offer. You’d be amazed at all the hidden gems that are out there! Another family favorite is trying new restaurants. Even our go-to places now hold a different experience when enjoyed with our little one. And for me, when I take a family member or friend to try new cuisine, and I see their delight and awe as they take a bite into new and delicious food, it really brings happiness.

What is the last thing you’ve binged watched?
Game of Thrones. I’ve seen the whole series about four times. It never gets old.

If you had to eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Burgers and fries.

Any words of advice?
The more flexible you are in your plans for life, the more opportunities you get. Don’t narrow your goals; you’d be surprised at what comes your way.

June 26, 2019

New dad, new gig

Born and raised a hop, skip, and a jump from Fort Worth, Nick Toombs is Schaefer’s new Digital Media Planner. Originally from Weatherford, Texas, Nick brings some local flavor to the office as we grill him about the ins and outs of his favorite tunes and taco Tuesday saloons.

Schaefer: Tell me a little about yourself.
I grew up in Weatherford and went to school there until I transferred to UT Arlington. It was there that I met my wife, Heather. It was kind of funny, she got two degrees in the time it took me to get one. For a while, it was just the two of us but now we have a baby boy named Callaghan and a golden doodle named Leia. I pretty much spend most of my free time with them right now.

Schaefer: Starting off majoring in Public Relations, how did you land yourself in the advertising industry?
I was working for Apple right out of college before landing a job at in Fort Worth. After managing accounts there for a little over three years, Schaefer appeared on my radar. I wasn’t looking for a new job, but after I met with Ken, Schaefer seemed like a place I could grow.

Schaefer: Why Schaefer
When I met with Ken, it just seemed like a place I could vibe with. After the third meeting, I knew I wanted to be here for the long haul.

Schaefer: What is something surprising about Schaefer that you didn’t know until you started working here?
I’m used to working as a vendor with agencies as clients, so now it’s a different side of things here. You get exposed to a lot more and there is a lot to learn.

Schaefer: What are some of your favorite food places in Fort Worth?
I like a little taco place off West Rosedale called Los Tacos H’s. They have $1-dollar tacos on Tuesdays.

Hmm, I also love Heim. So, it doesn’t help that Schaefer is right across the street from it. I have been good though. I’ve only managed to eat there five times so far. Also, I am a huge advocate for 11:00 lunch. That way I can beat the lunch rush and have an excuse to have an afternoon snack. Win-win.

Schaefer: If there weren’t any more computers, what would be your new occupation?
I would build things. Woodworking or anything really. I was that kid that liked playing with big Legos and putting things together. So yeah, I would probably build things.

Schaefer: If you controlled the music in the office, what would you play?
It would be different every day. Monday would be calm acoustic. Like Jack Johnson and Eliot Smith. I’ve been listening to that a lot lately. The other three to four days would be Weezer.

Schaefer: What is a piece of advice you would give someone entering the advertising world?
Just be open to new things. Ask questions. The more you learn the better you get. Advertising is cool in the sense that if you are trying to learn about something there is always someone who is an expert that you can ask. So, just being open to learning new things.

June 19, 2019

Coffee house lurker

Fresh off the graduation train, Jessica Dawson— Jessie to most— is our new Graphic Designer on staff. Jessie enjoys storytelling in a way that sways the crowd. She recently published her own children’s book and has several murals all over the upper eastside of Fort Worth. When she isn’t creating, Jessie enjoys spending time with her husband, sitting in coffee shops, and of course some good old Netflix.

Schaefer: Tell us about yourself
I moved around a lot growing up but spent most of my life in Oregon and Virginia. I continued to move around when I was in the Navy, where I actually met my husband in training school. We’ve been married now for about five years. After completing our service, we decided to go to TCU, because it had great degree programs in both of our majors (I did graphic design, he did boring business). Now, we live in Benbrook with two small dogs.

Schaefer: Starting off majoring in graphic design, how did you land yourself in the advertising industry?
I took an advertising class with Bill Galyean at TCU and it was the first time I felt like I could actually be good at something in the graphic design field. It was engaging and challenging, and I really enjoyed it.

Schaefer: Why Schaefer?
A few reasons. The work, the people. I really liked the environment. I feel like some design agencies want to come across as trendy and sleek. But at Schaefer, they seemed more interested in being homey and warm. They want you to feel like you’re a part of a family. That really stood out to me.

Schaefer: What are some of your favorite food places in Fort Worth?
My favorite restaurant right now is probably Uber Eats [laughs]. My husband and I will watch a show while we eat. We usually get Kona Grill or East Hampton. My favorite food, however, is definitely pepperoni pizza and chocolate cake doughnuts. Mmm, yeah.

Schaefer: If there weren’t any more computers, what would be your new occupation?
Oh, that’s a tricky question. I think I would try to find other mediums to make art— painting or drawing— or I would write.

Schaefer: If you controlled the music in the office, what would you play?
I’ve heard I have pretty bad taste in music, so I wouldn’t inflict that on the office. I’d probably play it safe. I do like a lot of alternative rock. I’d probably play things like Cake or The Strokes.

Schaefer: What is a piece of advice you would give someone entering the advertising world?
Trust yourself and trust the people who know better. I do this thing when I get to new places, where I completely forget that I’m competent [laughs]. When I first came here, I didn’t trust that I had learned everything I needed to know for this job. I’m still learning to trust my abilities. And when in doubt, you can always rely on the advice of the people who’ve been doing this for longer.

June 12, 2019

See you on the patio

Although she is a nomad at heart, Krista Farrar has taken her adventures to Fort Worth. With a knack for connecting with people and a love of entertainment, Krista Farrar found her way into account service here at Schaefer. Krista’s wondering curiosity fuels her life and her love for advertising.

Schaefer: Tell me a little bit about yourself
I’ve lived in a lot of different places. I was born in Fort Worth but have lived in Wichita, Las Vegas, and Phoenix. I joined the Navy when I was 20 and was stationed in San Diego. After serving, I came back to the DFW area and finished up my schooling at the University of Texas at Arlington. I interned a lot when I was in school –three agencies and one nonprofit. I was motivated to learn everything there was to know about advertising. From the beginning, account service was a natural fit.

Schaefer: So, you knew you always wanted to go into advertising?
Yep. Well, sort of. When I decided I to get out of the Navy, I sat down with one of my supervisors and we discussed what was next. I was pointed towards marketing because of its team-oriented environment. I visited some marketing and advertising agencies and fell in love with the fast-paced culture. I ended up double majoring in advertising and public relations but felt more of a connection with advertising.

Schaefer: Why did you end up joining Schaefer?
I became involved with AAF (American Advertising Federation) during college, and as a chapter, we did an Ad Crawl –one of the agencies we visited was Schaefer. I was immediately stunned by the beauty of the building, but it was the employee interaction that drew me in. A lot of agencies claim that they are “close,” but the culture at Schaefer is truly like a family.

Schaefer: What was something that was surprising about Schaefer that you noticed only when you started working here?
I’d say I’m surprised at how easy it is to feel at home. Actually, it’s probably more comfortable than my home. There are days that I look at the clock and notice its past 5:30. I hadn’t even realized because I’m not counting down the minutes. It’s not an “I have to stay late” type of job, it’s an “I guess I should go home now” kind of one.

Schaefer: What are your top restaurants in Fort Worth?
I’ve always been a big Mac and Cheese fan. Brewed on Magnolia has a Mac and Cheese waffle that excites me. Plus, there is fried chicken on top. I also enjoy trying new and interesting combos! Working at Schaefer is great because it is within walking distance of several tasty food places.
I’m also an atmosphere person; I’ll pick an outdoor patio all day. LOVE them. But where you’ll find me most are dog-friendly patios!

Schaefer: If you could create the soundtrack for the office, what would be on it?
That’s hard; we have a great soundtrack playing. It’s always playing songs that match my mood, even if I didn’t know I was in that mood. I tend to lean towards acoustic tracks when working.

Schaefer: What advice would you give someone who is entering into advertising?
Soak up as much as you can, I know it sounds lame, but ‘pay attention in class.’ Definitely find yourself a mentor (or two) to bounce ideas and questions off of.

Schaefer: Any last tidbits of advice?
Networking in this industry is key. Don’t network because you need something; just get to know people and learn from them and their experiences.

Audree Fifer, our Account Manager, lives for adventure. Each day is a new opportunity for chasing goals and destinations. Whether she’s shredding the slopes in Colorado or hunting down the latest Mac and Cheese joint, you can bet she’s doing it with a smile. So, naturally, we wanted to get to know more about her journey and what eventually brought her to Schaefer.
Schaefer: Tell us about yourself
Okay, Cliff Notes version: I was born in southern California, but that quickly became a place of distant memory being in a military family. Living in New York during my middle school years with a tendency to say “y’ all” was an experience, but it holds a special place in my heart because that’s where I learned and fell in love with snowboarding. My family still gets together for our annual “Fifer Winterfest” where we pick a different city to stay and shred powder for a week. My immediate family includes my mom, dad and my younger brother, Connor, that live here in Fort Worth. I finished high school here in Texas and graduated from TCU, so Fort Worth is certainly home.
Schaefer: When did you decide that the advertising industry was for you?
I came to my decision to pursue an advertising major in a round-about-kind-of way. Growing up, I always had a pencil in my hand. I went through phases of thinking fashion, interior, and graphic design was what I wanted to do. Coming to TCU with almost half of my undergraduate credits from a community college, I had to make a decision quick. I didn’t have credits to waste or time to pursue the wrong major. I guess you could say I lost touch with the art side of myself and had a newfound fascination for the marketing world.
We’re saturated by ads from the day we’re born – from the food we eat to the clothes we wear and beyond – so I had a curiosity for how to influence buyer behavior and for the better. After interning at local Fort Worth advertising agencies, I fell in love with agency life. The spontaneity of each day’s work was something that intrigued me. Plus, the people I’ve worked with have been pretty awesome. That’s a bonus.
Schaefer: So why Schaefer?
The office isn’t far from TCU, so naturally, a lot of students applied, and you heard about their experience. There were (and is) always great things spoken about Schaefer. If it wasn’t the cool office that felt like a second home, it was the extraordinary work the agency consistently produced. If it wasn’t the welcoming presence of the employees, it was the genuine feeling of warmth you got from the first minute you met Ken Schaefer.
With nearly everyone applying, I honestly thought the odds were against me. I never thought I had a shot but ended up landing an internship after working under Ken’s niece (unbeknownst to me at the time) at a local agency in town. Fast forward four years later and I’m back!
Schaefer: If you could give one piece of advice to someone wanting to get into advertising, what would it be?
Never be afraid to ask questions! Every day is a discovery and, man, are things continually evolving in the advertising space. We’ve all been given this piece of advice at some point in our lives, but very seldom do we take it to heart and act on it. You’d be foolish not to. I know I’ve learned more from actively engaging in project activities and asking questions along the way.
Schaefer: Can you tell me about a project you worked on that you were proud of?
You know, there’s not one in particular that immediately jumps to mind. But I can say the most exciting projects are the ones that require a team effort. That’s one of my favorite things about this industry.  No one big idea is ever greater than when you can unearth it together and effectively solve your client’s business problem as a team.
Schaefer: As you can tell, dogs are a welcomed pet around the office. Do you have any pets of your own?
I do! And he is my whole world. His name is Bagheera, and he’s my 8-month old French bulldog. He’s my first fur baby and the best little man I could ask for. Everyone thinks their child is awesome but, I’m telling you, he truly is. He’s an old man in a puppy body with the sweetest disposition. Bagheera is a frequent office visitor and embraces all the cuddles he gets. He’s even got his own bed beneath my desk that calls his name every Friday.
Schaefer: How do you like to spend your weekends?
With Bagheera of course! I look forward to taking him out when and where I can. I’ve always been super active growing up, so I enjoy working out at the gym and getting outdoors when it’s nice outside. Fort Worth is always growing so I’m always on the hunt for the next best food spot and brunching with friends.
Schaefer: What are your goals for the year?
 I want to travel more. I think it’s ironic coming from someone who hated moving so much as a kid growing up, but I’ve grown to have an insatiable curiosity for adventure. The weekend goes by so fast, so I’m determined to make the most of it this year!
Schaefer: If you controlled the music in the office, what would you play?
80’s rock, hands down. I’m talking hair metal and all. I’m quite positive it wouldn’t be a popular office vote. I can get down to 90’s rap too. That’d be a close second.

May 24, 2019

She Is Near Southside

In the Near Southside, we spend every day celebrating women. As a crucial part of the community, women helped define the purpose, culture and growth of the district. From entrepreneurs to artists and advocates, these female visionaries, past and present, had one thing in common—the spirit of the Near Southside. 

Every year the Southside Shindig brings neighbors and friends together to spotlight the people and milestones reached in the past year. It’s also the single biggest fundraising event for the Near Southside organization and district. 

This year’s theme honored all the women whose ambitions and talents nurtured the community, paving the way for life and work in the Near Southside. All the mentors, mothers and friends we came to know as rebels, risk-takers and rainmakers who showed us then and now what it means to cultivate community.

Texas born but Michigan raised, Ali Baer is back in the Lonestar state to stay. As an avid traveler Ali has a long laundry list of things she can’t wait to explore. Her passions are spending time with friends, family and her pup, Rusty!
Schaefer: Tell us about yourself.
I was born in Austin but grew up in the state of Michigan. Most of my time was spent out on the beautiful Lake Michigan. After graduating from DePauw University, I found myself back in Texas– this time in Fort Worth.
Schaefer: How did you get started in your position?
I had an amazing mentor (and now close friend) who guided me through my internships and into my first job. As a junior in college, I worked at a small agency and learned a little bit about everything. I watched my boss work so well with clients and decided that it may be something I could do well. I love people, I am organized and slightly OCD, and I like to solve problems.
Schaefer: What is a random fun fact that people wouldn’t know about you?
For the time being, my first name is actually Michelle. I will actually be changing every part of my name soon. My initial now are MAB, but I will soon be ABH.
Schaefer: What is on your bucket list?
Greece. Being a mother. Drinking Sauvignon Blanc in New Zealand and Pinot Noir in Oregon. I want to visit every state.
Schaefer: If you could give one piece of advice to someone wanting to get into advertising, what would it be?
Take the time you need to provide thoughtful and thorough recommendations. Advertising agencies are hired to be strategic partners, so don’t rush through deliverables just to check a box. Fight for great ideas to be heard.
Schaefer: What’s the best thing you’ve seen happen at Schaefer since you started working here?
During my first week, we celebrated a collegue’s 2nd work anniversary. Everyone went around the table and shared something they love about working with her. Apparently, we do this for everyone, every year. I cried multiple times (I know embarrassing) and I didn’t even know anyone yet!
Schaefer has immediately felt like home and I am already thankful for these wonderful people and that the culture here focuses on building people up because that is how good teams work together.
Schaefer: Any last words for the people?
Work hard and be kind.

May 15, 2019

Rural royalty

Jacqline Gaber prides herself on the genuine connection she makes with her clients. With nearly eight years of ad-industry account service under her belt, she leads clients down a strategic path to marketing success. We’re happy to have this North Texas native on-board and enjoyed getting to know her a little better.
Schaefer: Start by telling us a little about yourself.
A true River Rat at heart, I grew up just south of Weatherford on the Brazos River and graduated with a B.B.A in marketing from Tarleton State University. From childhood to high school I wanted to be an attorney, but while in a high school co-op program, watching a behind the scenes video on how Blue Bell shot a commercial, I realized I wanted to work in advertising.
My junior year of college in helping a friend plan her wedding, I was introduced to her wedding coordinator, and she and I became fast friends. Instead of taking a traditional agency internship, I took a part-time position as her assistant. After two years of coordinating chaos, I decided wedding planning wasn’t going to be a career for me, so I took a job at an agency in Fort Worth as the CEO’s executive assistant and receptionist. Easily the hardest job I have ever had. But I was grateful for the opportunity to be in a position where I was able to work on multiple projects across multiple departments.
Over six and a half years there, I held many positions and worked on a variety of brands, but when the opportunity to interview at Schaefer with Ken, Sara, and Jake fell in my lap, I knew Schaefer was going to be my new home. The ability to have the focus of one industry and the opportunity to work on three eye health care brands is invaluable for my career growth.
Schaefer: What specifically drew you to Schaefer?
Schaefer produces excellent work from a very talented team, and I knew that being a part of this team would challenge me both personally and professionally. In addition to that, there’s a respect for Ken and the agency in the community that’s always been a draw for me.
Schaefer: Advertising aside, what job would you love to have?
Hands down, I’d be an attorney.
Schaefer: What is something you’ve meant to try but haven’t gotten around to it?
I keep promising myself I’m going to learn how to ballroom dance.
Schaefer: Any specific type of dance?
All of it. I am secretly a Dancing with the Stars junkie. I have watched since season one, and I’m obsessed! I need to get out of my comfort zone and do it.
Schaefer: What is a topic that you are passionate about?
My twin brother and I were adopted, so adoption is something I’m passionate about. My view on the topic usually surprises people.
Schaefer: What celebrity’s life fascinates you? Dead or alive.
I have a few, but my current obsession is Michelle Obama. Politics aside, it’s hard not to love her! There’s a realness about her that I think a lot of celebrities’ lack. She has this quintessential rag to riches type of story and has always remained humble. She has a servant’s heart and this warm but authoritative tone . . . I don’t know what it is, but I just want to hug her!
Schaefer: What’s the quirkiest thing you’ve seen around the office?
The plant obsession around here is insane. When the guy from Grow can predict the next plant, you’re going to buy; you might have a problem.
Schaefer: Has anything strange happen to you at the office?
On my first day at Schaefer Ken had to call 911. One of my co-workers was eight months pregnant and passed out during our agency status meeting. Obviously, we didn’t finish the meeting, and I didn’t even get to eat the breakfast tacos they brought in to celebrate my first day [Laugh]. It took the pressure off of me for sure.
Schaefer: What makes you excited to come into the office every day?
It’s exciting to get up and come to a place where you know you’re going to be appreciated, empowered and challenged each day.
Schaefer: What are some words of advice for someone looking to start their career in advertising?
Don’t do it! Kidding! Do it. If anyone wants to get into advertising at all – start agency side. The type of people that you meet in a small agency setting will be the type of relationships that you will never forget, and you’ll have friendships forever. I’m the professional I am now because of those relationships. I’ve had mentors, bosses and co-workers who have shaped and molded me into the well-rounded AE I am today.
Schaefer: What would your last meal be?
Mac and Cheese.
Schaefer: Just mac and cheese?
Yep. Brand doesn’t matter, mixed-ins don’t matter – well as long as it’s not seafood, I don’t eat things that swim.

More than 9 million Americans battle psoriasis every year, and many of them aren’t happy with their treatment options. Fort Worth-based biotech company Nuvothera recognized a market opportunity for a more effective over-the-counter (OTC) psoriasis treatment, so they created a powerful three-step solution that patients could purchase without a prescription. Schaefer was charged with branding the new product and encouraging patient adherence. 


  • Drive brand awareness, interest and online purchases among the target audience
  • Generate audience interest
  • Establish trust and credibility of Prosoria
  • Motivate consumers to buy Prosoria online
  • Build customer loyalty and drive repeat purchases

The Situation

Most people that suffer from psoriasis share a general dissatisfaction and skepticism with their current treatments and their over-the-counter options. They are constantly seeking something to treat psoriasis effectively and help them stay clear by preventing flare ups. They’ve tried other solutions – both prescriptions and OTC – but they haven’t found the treatment that’s right for them. 

Enter Prosoria. 

Prosoria contains clinical-strength, natural ingredients that work to effectively relieve the symptoms of psoriasis. Prosoria gives people battling psoriasis the confidence they need to stick with their skincare regimen and reinforces their confidence with an effective treatment for managing their psoriasis that is safe to use every day. It is a safe, effective solution and stands out as a trusted OTC medication.

A Message that Reads as Easy as 1-2-3

We wanted to highlight that Prosoria was an easy-to-use, highly effective OTC product with the quality of prescription psoriasis treatment. When creating the brand, we developed a logo and brand that stands out in the OTC space, but still has the reliable look and feel of a prescription-strength brand. Our team also sought to create a package that stood out on the shelves and engaged consumers to pick it up and purchase Prosoria.

We created a logo that includes 3 dots on top of the “i” in “Prosoria” to symbolize the application process and the packaging links together to illustrate a clear sequence of order and use. Like so many products, adherence is key and we wanted consumers to clearly understand how to use this product to get the best results. The gradual, easy gradient of blue to purple nods to the ease of use and the friendly effects of psoriasis treatment by Prosoria. 


  • Created a compelling, friendly identity system and packaging that communicates the ease and effectiveness of a new product that will stand out in the over-the-counter space.

December 8, 2018

Community Connects Us

Rebranding a city is a challenging and rewarding endeavor, a pairing we thrive in at Schaefer. In order to stand out among the 200+ cities in the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex and appeal to various stakeholders, it was critical for the City of Hurst to rebrand with purpose.

The Challenge 

Before Schaefer was hired, the City’s tagline was, “A Quality of Life City” an ordinary and nonspecific descriptor. The City sought to update their logo and messaging to better mirror the great progress the Council had made and align with the City’s updated mission and vision statements. Furthermore, they wanted to highlight their community values of respect, stewardship, positivity and inclusiveness. So, it was key that the new logo, tagline and seal worked together to amplify the city’s progress and position in the community. 


Schaefer began the discovery process with key stakeholders to discuss branding and messaging feedback and preferences, and to review past research findings. Once we determined the key insights that informed the brand and tone, we began building a brand platform that worked seamlessly across the marketing landscape.


The City of Hurst’s new logo features clean lines and a simplified color palette. The star and the “H” give an updated nod to the original logo and seal, but with a modern and timeless approach.

The new tagline “Community connects us” nods to the dual meaning of connection, as in the physical way in which Hurst connects Dallas and Fort Worth, as well as the relationships formed between community members.